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Hvorfor velge oss

Wonaixi New Material Technology Co., Ltd. (WNX) er en profesjonell produsent av sjeldne jordsalter. WNX have 30+ kinds of products are widely used in automobile exhaust catalyst, water pollution treatment, permanent magnet materials, medicine, ceramics, coatings, luminescent materials and many other industries. With more than 10 years of R&D and production experience, we have a number of national invention patents and scientific achievements rated as the national leading level, which enables us to continue to provide customers with competitive and high-quality products on a large scale.


Sjeldne jordarter brukes allerede i alle aspekter av livet

Rare earth elements are the general name of 17 elements in group ⅢB, including scandium, yttrium lanthanides with atomic number 57 between 71. Rare earth elements have unique 4f electronic structure, large atomic magnetic moment, strong self-selected coupling and other characteristics. Når du danner sjeldne jordkomplekser med andre elementer, kan koordinasjonsnummeret variere mellom 6 og 12, og krystallstrukturen til sjeldne jordforbindelser er også forskjellige. Dette gjør at det med mange andre elementer ikke har de optiske, elektriske, magnetiske egenskapene, kjent som "Treasure House" for nye materialer, i metallurgi, petrokjemisk, optikk, laser, hydrogenlagring, skjermpanel, magnetiske materialer og annet moderne industrielt fields are widely used. Kina er verdens største reserve og produsent av sjelden jord. As a rare earth material manufacturer in China, WONAIXI New Material Technology Co., Ltd. is able to provide competitive products to its customers.



Elementet cerium (CE)

The element “cerium” was discovered and named in 1803 by German scientist Martin Heinrich Klaproth and Swedish chemists Jöns Jakob Berzelius and Wilhelm Hisinger, in honor of the asteroid Ceres, which was discovered in 1801. Cerium has a wide range of applications: (1 ) Som tilsetningsstoff ...


Elementet “Lanthanum”

Sjelden jord, en ofte brukt analogi, kan sies å være vitaminene i industrien hvis olje er industriens blod. Rare earth metals are a group of metals, consisting of 17 elements on the periodic table of chemical elements, such as lanthanum, cerium, and praseodymium, which are widely used in el...

  • Sichuan Wonaixi New Materials Technology Co., Ltd.